Shaiya Vanaheim Rules
Please read carefully
These are the rules you must follow while playing in our server or when using any of our services. Some apply to social situations and others to game mechanics. Please read thoroughly.
There will be consequences if any of these rules are broken, varying from a simple warning to a permanent account ban depending on the gravity of the situation.
Social Rules
1. Impersonating GM or Staff members
Attempting to pass by as a member of our staff for any reasons is against our rules and will get your account suspended.
2. Inappropriate Language
Insults and offensive language are not allowed in our server or any of its services. This also applies to character naming (in this case, an admin may modify the name of the character without any warnings in advance).
The use of the word rape when referring to how your faction overwhelmed the other faction in pvp or in any case, will result in instant ban from discord and might have similar consequences in game.
3. Discrimination
Attitudes such as racism, xenophobic attitudes, etc, will not be tolerated in our server or any of its services.
4. Behavior with Staff members
While communicating with our staff members, you must be respectful and considerate. We are here to give you a service, so be polite.
If a Staff Member is in-game attempting to conduct events or communicate with other players, interrupting or causing disturbances will be considered as breaking this rule.
Spreading rumors about staff members is also considered as breaking this rule: if a player has proof that certain GM/GS is abusing their power, please let us know via private messaging in Discord.
5. Behavior with rest of the players
Spreading negative rumors about a player, accusing him, denouncing him, harassing him, is not allowed in our server or any of its services. If you have any complaints about a player, take Screenshots and report it via private messages in Discord.
6. Publicity
Publicity is completely forbidden in our server or any of its services. This includes publicizing other servers, services or products that are not related to Shaiya Vanaheim. Spreading hack links or key logging websites. Ban may be permanent in this case, depending on offense.
7. Language Usage
We are an International server. This means you are free to speak any language but you are obligated to use English in
- Game: Trade, Raid and Map chats. (exclusions: private messages, party, normal chat and languages chat)
8. Character names / User names
When naming your character or user, the following rules will result in your name changed to a generic name.
- The use of acronyms to refer to staff positions such as GM, GS. Example ImaGM, IKillGS, etc. or [GM]xx, [GS]xx, etc.
- The use of inappropriate words in any language, such as insults, discriminating slang or pseudonyms. Examples: IFkU, USheetBoi, etc.
9. Explicit Content
This is a PG Server so any adult or explicit content (links, images, messages) in our server or any of its services might result in an instant account suspension.
Game Rules
1. Hacks
This is considered one of the worst offense. In severe cases, we will block access to the whole IP net of the offender.
2. Buying or selling items / accounts
The following are not allowed: buy/sell items/accounts for real money, buy/sell items/accounts for items/accounts from other Servers, and from other non-Shaiya Online products/services.
3. Fraud / Scam
The staff is no responsible for the security of your account or transactions, meaning that you might not get your items back if you get scammed. But if enough evidence is presented, the scammer will surely get the account permanently suspended.
4. Bots and Macros
Any use of automation software, either bots or macros or third party software of any kind is totally forbidden. Violation of this rule may imply the removing of the farmed gold/materials and the appropriate punishments. Any type of “afk-farming” will also be judged under this rule.
5. Bug Abuse
Any bug abuse is forbidden. Finding any kind of bug must be reported immediately. Any advantage obtained from bug abuse might end in item removal and the appropriate punishments.
6. Stat Padding
Stat padding is defined as killing a character who willingly and consistently allows him/herself to be killed with the objective of helping other players increase their kill count. Any user caught stat padding (both killing and being killed) will receive a ban and have all their kills wiped from all characters. Additional action may be taken for repeat offenders and/or a permanent ban can be issued to the player.
7. Boss Killing - Boss Raid - Calling Bosses
All boss killings/raids must be called at least 3 times within your faction either by yelling in trade chat. All members of the raid can be hold accountable for the calling of a boss. All calls must happen before starting to attack the boss and the amount of free spots in your raid is irrelevant for this rule. Going for a boss is considered a group action and you must always have your Union Party open so everyone can join. It's against our rules to kick someone from your party while doing a boss unless that member is not helping take the boss down or it's afk. You can only close or kick joining members if the boss HP is below 30%.
Note: If 2 or more raids are going for the same boss, the smaller one will have to join the bigger one so everyone can participate. You can not have multiple raids on the same boss.
8. PvP Raids - Kicking Members
All PvP must be done with an open raid and You are not allowed to have multiple raids/parties in the same pvp zone until your raid got atleast 30members. You are not allowed to kick members from your pvp raid unless they are not wearing ANY equipment or if they are ignoring commands. Before kicking, the player needs to be warned by using the union chat function. If two or more raids are going, the smaller one will have to join the bigger one so everyone can participate.
Once the main raid is full, you are allowed to create a new one until that one is full and so on.
9. 150 SLOT RAID PvP Rules
1. Leader of union got permision to block people joining if his raid has 30 members and is not capable to maintain more raids.
2. People can create another Union to join pvp if other Union don't allow more than 30 members! We use shared raid system and people get kills from all unions created so please don't make drama becuase your not accepted in same Union!
10. Kill Stealing (KS)
Kill-stealing (normal monsters) itself is not considered an offense but repeated use can be seen as harassment and will be punished accordingly.
11. Animation cutting
Any form of animation cutting or canceling like skillcut, runecut, mountcut, anythingcut is not allowed in our server and will be treated like use of exploits/hacks.
12. Spawn Killing - Safe Zones
Spawn killing and entering the opposite factions base/castle/stronghold/safe zone is not allowed and will result in an instant jail. The opposing factions base/safe zone is defined by anything behind the most forward (yellow named) guard.
13. Portal Killing / Camping
Portal Killing is when a user from the opposite faction continually kills users who are trying to load into the current zone. This includes killing players before they have a chance to step out of the portal (very similar to Spawn Killing). These actions are not allowed since it exploiting the fact that the other player is not done loading and its not ready to fight.
Account Related Rules
1. Accounts
Ownership of an account is determined by the associated email with which it was created. If you are playing with an account and you do not have access to that email, you might lose it if the actual creator of the account claims it as his or hers. It doesn't matter who trained a character or farmed items for it, only the owner of the email to which the account is linked is consider as the owner of the account. Remember: a player who never shares his/her account with others, will never lose a single item to thieving.
2. Account thieving
If you lose access to your account, you can always use the linked email to claim it back. Please, consider that the only way you can lose your account and any items on it, is by you willingly sharing its information, or by you using a system which is infected by a keylogger of some kind. Admins will not take responsibility in any of this cases, but will try to help you recovering your account. But, as with the scamming rule, no items will be returned.
3. Investigating and access to accounts
If any account is suspected in anyway, admins have the right to log it without previous notification to the owner. Only the admins will have this right, no other member of our staff will ever login your account. Admins do NOT need you to give your personal information for this, so please NEVER share your personal information with anyone in-game.
In case of account thieving investigation, Admins may ban accounts for undetermined time until investigation is over.
All our rules are guidelines to preserve a fair and friendly experience in our server and its services.
This means that the punishments you receive will be according to what is stipulated here and/or our staff view of the offense.
These punishments will go from warnings to jail time or even suspension of the account / shared accounts.
First Offense
You might receive a warning, depending on the offense you also could get jail time or even temporal suspension.
Second Offense
Means you did not learn by your mistakes, this will include even more jail time and/or temporal suspension.
Third or more Offenses
Seems you can't learn, expect extended jail time, temporal or permanent suspension, depending on the offense.
Note: For Game Rules 4 and 5, item removal might be issued as well.
Please report all players breaking any of these rules to any of our staff members in our discord server.
To effectively make a report, your must present hard evidence: Screenshots (multiple will be appreciated) or Videos. Reports that are only a tale of what you saw are not valid, except as reference in case a solid report is made.